RES 701-Research Methods

RES 701
  • Research and it’s purpose

    August 6, 2019 by

    1. What do you think ‘research is’ ? Research is a way of gaining deep knowledge in something and proving it with real facts and data. It is a way to solve a problem which we always wanted to know the solution. Sometimes it can lead to failure, but at the end of research it… Read more

  • Research -Reflection

    November 5, 2019 by

    Research is a wonderful course because I can look at rigorous research practises and base my research skills on them. I could study further and use it in my future professional practise, as I am learning from the research method. The course helped me analyse the essence of science, including the origins of discrimination and… Read more

  • Exercise – Ethical behaviour

    October 29, 2019 by

    You find some good images on the web that would look good on your site.  You copy and paste them to your blog. I think copying any image which is someone’s creativity without proper referencing is not ethical. Copying images from some websites which offer free images which already have the right to be shared… Read more

  • Peer review in research area

    October 29, 2019 by

    I am writing peer review on Lisha ‘s area of interest as per her request. I can see that she is interested in Cryptography. Since she has done project based on this field during her Engineering study I strongly believe she has good knowledge in her research topic. Since I learned some basics about cryptography… Read more

  • Broad research in area of interest – Drone life saver

    October 29, 2019 by

    Short description of the area of IT that interests you Path planning algorithms to send drones for ambulance, health care, delivery services. Why is it interesting to you? Drone technology is evolving at a fast pace. I have a deep interest in this field. I believe drone technology can be used for a wide variety… Read more

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Arjun Madhavankutty

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